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Expedite Implementation of Key Infrastructure Projects, BIMP-EAGA Ministers Urge

Date Published
November 7, 2023

From left: H.E Dato Hajjah Hanifah Hajar Taib, Deputy Minister of Economy, Ministry of Economy, Malaysia; H.E Dato Amin Liew Abdullah, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Finance and Economy II, Brunei Darussalam; Hon. Dr. Rizal Edwin Manansang, Senior Advisor to the Minister, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Indonesia; and H.E Secretary Maria Belen Sunga Acosta, Chairperson of Mindanao Development Authority, Philippines. Photo credit: Courtesy of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Brunei

With the number of key infrastructure projects in BIMP-EAGA almost triple from 6 years ago, member countries want to expedite project implementation to enhance connectivity and drive economic growth and social inclusion across the subregion. 

Ministers tasked senior officials and the clusters and working groups under BIMP-EAGA to fast-track the implementation of the subregion’s Priority Infrastructure Projects (PIP) during the 26th BIMP-EAGA Ministerial Meeting on 26 October in Brunei Darussalam. They also directed officials to integrate the projects into national policy, budget, and programs.

BIMP-EAGA now has $38.87 billion worth of PIPs in its portfolio, made up of 129 projects versus 57 in 2017.

The Ministers lauded the pace of project implementation, with 48 projects completed and financing for a significant number of PIPs secured. The projects consist of roads, bridges, and railways; seaports and airports; cross-border facilities and inland transport services; information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure; power interconnections; and urban development infrastructure and services.

“The PIPs provided our farmers and fisherfolk access to markets, delivered reliable energy to rural communities, catalyzed trade in border areas, and boosted tourist arrivals,” the Ministers said in their Joint Statement. The Joint Statement was signed by:

  • H.E Dato Amin Liew Abdullah, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Finance and Economy II, Brunei Darussalam (Chairman);
  • H.E Dato Hajjah Hanifah Hajar Taib, Deputy Minister of Economy, Ministry of Economy, Malaysia;
  • H.E Secretary Maria Belen Sunga Acosta, Chairperson of Mindanao Development Authority, Philippines;
  • Hon. Dr. Rizal Edwin Manansang, Senior Advisor to the Minister, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Indonesia.

Growth amid global headwinds

The Ministers also touted BIMP-EAGA’s economic growth amid global headwinds. In 2022, BIMP-EAGA’s combined real gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices expanded 7.7% to $392.1 billion. Trade balance rose to $84.8 billion, jumping 20.8% from $70.2 billion. Across BIMP-EAGA provinces and districts, trade in goods stood at $198.7 billion last year while exports reached $41.8 billion. Foreign direct investments rose 46.7% to $19.9 billion, while domestic investments jumped 19.3% to $ 8.7 billion. Tourism likewise showed improvement and is on track to full recovery with arrivals increasing by 137.3% to 114.8 million in 2022 from 48.4 million in 2021.

As BIMP-EAGA looks for a growth path beyond plans made until 2025, the Ministers pledged to continue to work together. “We reaffirm our commitment to implement measures to accelerate the growth of trade, investment, and tourism in BIMP-EAGA,” the Ministers said. 

The Ministers said they are satisfied with the implementation progress of a midterm review of BIMP-EAGA's economic and development agenda through 2025 and urged officials to begin preparatory work in setting growth paths beyond 2025.

They encouraged the states and provincial governments to mainstream BIMP-EAGA’s development agenda in their policies, plans, and initiatives and to contribute proposals and ideas to BIMP-EAGA cooperation. They took note of the establishment of the BIMP-EAGA Parliamentary Forum at the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, which aims to foster greater understanding among legislators and parliamentarians of the member countries to promote cooperation on policy legislative measures that will help create an enabling environment for cross-border trade, tourism, and investments.

Facilitating movement of goods and people

The Ministers also said they are pleased with the resumption of air, land, and sea connectivity in BIMP-EAGA and encouraged key stakeholders to work with the private sector to ensure the sustainability of routes that are critical to moving passengers and goods in the subregion. They tasked officials to revive air services in the Tawau–Tarakan, Pontianak–Kuching, Zamboanga–Kota Kinabalu, and Davao–Manado routes and welcomed initiatives to establish sea connectivity between West Sulawesi and Sabah through Tanjung Silopo–Lahad Datu and between North Kalimantan and Sabah through Tarakan–Tawau.

The Ministers welcomed the signing of the Letter of Intent for the implementation of the One Borneo Quarantine Initiative, which increases cooperation in monitoring and inspection and enhances protection from pests and diseases.

They also expressed support on the initial findings of a study supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on the new configuration and expansion of BIMP-EAGA's economic corridors. The results from the study can provide inputs to planning and can guide developing project pipelines for the remaining period of Vision 2025.

To secure the subregion’s energy supply and to advance the grouping’s net-zero transition, the Ministers said they support expanding access to sustainable energy resources. They welcomed the adoption of an initiative establishing interconnection and power trade among the four member countries.

Advancing sustainable development

BIMP-EAGA will continue to advance sustainable development, the Ministers said, noting the the need for economic growth, sustainable use of natural resources, and protection of the environment. They welcomed the development of the joint BIMP-EAGA and Indonesia–Malaysia–Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Blue Economy Strategy 2030 that will identify high-impact operational activities for sustainable use of marine resources. They also directed relevant agencies at the national and local levels to support the implementation of the BIMP-EAGA Green Cities Initiative, which seeks to enhance a city management’s capacity for integrated planning and management of urban infrastructure. BIMP-EAGA just completed a Green City Action Plan (GCAP) for General Santos City in Mindanao. Plans are underway to develop a GCAP for Pontianak City in Indonesia and Kuching in Malaysia.

The Ministers emphasized the role of ICT in digital economy development and the broader digital transformation and services in the subregion. They said BIMP-EAGA is committed to improving ICT infrastructure and upskilling and reskilling the subregion’s human resources to meet the demands of the 21st century. They also want BIMP-EAGA to catalyze innovation and foster equitable growth in BIMP-EAGA by developing human capital and vibrant creative industries.

The Ministers also acknowledged the role the BIMP-EAGA Business Council (BEBC) played in the subregion’s growth and in promoting cross-border economic activities. The council is the private sector representative in the cooperation program. “We support BEBC’s efforts to expand its membership to include key industry players, chambers of commerce, and micro-enterprises to realize joint private-sector ventures and cross-border trade,” they said.