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23rd BIMP-EAGA Ministerial Meeting and 28th BIMP-EAGA Senior Officials’ Meeting

Where: Kuching, Malaysia

From Left: Paul Dominguez, Executive Director, Asian Development Bank (ADB); Ramesh Subramaniam, Director General, Southeast Asia Department, ADB; Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali, Assistant Minister of Law, State-Federal Relations and Project Monitoring, Sarawak, Malaysia; Emmanuel F. Piñol, Secretary, Mindanao Development Authority, Philippines; Dr. Radzi Jidin, Deputy Minister of Economic Af-fairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Malaysia; Bobby Hamzar Rafinus, Senior Advisor to Coordinating Minister for Regional Development, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Indonesia; Hajah Dr. May Fa’ezah Haji Ahmad Ariffin, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Brunei Darussalam; Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau, Deputy Chief Minister/Minister of Trade and Industries, Sabah, Malaysia; Robert Matheus Michael Tene, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for Community and Corporate Affairs, ASEAN Secretariat; Rogelio Pacquiao, Jr., Congressman and Chairperson of Special Committee on EAGA Affairs in the House of Representatives, Philippines.

BIMP-EAGA held a series of meetings in November 2019 in Kuching, Malaysia, including the 23rd BIMP-EAGA Ministerial Meeting and the 28th BIMP-EAGA Senior Officials’ Meeting.

At the ministerial meeting, the ministers reviewed key decisions that have strengthened the subregion over the years and committed to further strengthen cooperation. They also noted solid progress in the implementation of infrastructure projects under BIMP-EAGA’s Vision 2025. The meeting took place on 24 November.

Senior officials, meanwhile, discussed how BIMP-EAGA can further strengthen its transportation networks, improve energy security, promote sustainable tourism, and safeguard ocean ecosystems. The meeting took place on 22 November.

Kuching also hosted the 2nd BIMP-EAGA and China Ministerial Meeting, 13th BIMP-EAGA + China Senior Officials’ Meeting, and the 7th BIMP-EAGA + Northern Territory Senior Officials’ Meeting. It also hosted the 2nd Budayaw Festival on 19 to 23 November as well as the Regional Cooperation in the 4IR: Recognize, Rethink and Respond Workshop on 24 to 26 November.